Monday, April 29, 2013

Pie Throwing

We had a birthday party here this weekend and there is a rumor going around that there may have been some pie throwing. Okay, for the record, there was pie throwing. When the birthday boy says he wants to throw pies at his 10th birthday party this Mama makes it happen. Then the dog cleans up the mess.

The fun started with painting the backs of some paper plates to serve as targets.
Then he chose his muse and drew him on the plates.

The targets were attached to the trees with packing tape.
Plates were filled with whipped cream.
Careful aim was taken.
There were some hits.

And some more hits.
And a great big happy mess.
Pie throwing was a big hit. The birthday boy was thrilled as were the party guests.

And our dog? She was ecstatic.

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