Thursday, April 18, 2013

Let's make silly putty!

Feeling silly? Great! Let's make silly putty!

We start by mixing equal parts white glue and water. We used 1/4 cup of each.

 Do you want to add color? Add food coloring. We used three to four drops to get colors we were very happy with.


Mix one tablespoon of borax with two tablespoons of water, pour it into your glue mixture and start stirring! The transformation happens quickly.
Check out what you just made! It stretches! It bounces!
It snaps apart if you tug it! And there is plenty to share!

This project was easy, fun and kept us entertained for a very long time on a cold rainy day. Everyone looks forward to making "Toxicus Glopus" again sometime!
(Borax can be hazardous so we kept it away from our mouths and eyes and washed our hands after using it.)

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